Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash
They say home is where the heart is, but did you know that our well-being and happiness levels are also directly influenced by our sense of community?
For example, a recent study found that an “individuals’ sense of community is associated with reduced symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress,” among other benefits. As a result, it is crucial that homeowners find ways to become more actively involved within their neighbourhood, whether that be through inviting neighbours over for a coffee or planning events.
That being said, there are also many benefits tied to spending more time at home, especially when you’ve created an environment that feels safe and welcoming. In short, they are both effective self-help strategies for those looking to take better care of their mental health and overall well-being!
In this article, we will dive deeper into the benefits of home improvements and community engagement, alongside providing you with practical tips on how to improve your home and get more involved within your community!
Why are home improvements good for mental health?
There are many ways in which your home environment could be negatively impacting your mental health, even if you regularly indulge in self care.
For example, those who live in overly cluttered environments are more prone to stress and anxiety, with one study finding that “women who reported more clutter in their homes had higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol throughout the day compared to women who had less clutter.”
Simply put, our homes are supposed to be our safe spaces – an oasis of peace and relaxation. This means that something has to change if stress does not leave you at the door when you get home after a busy day.
Home improvements, whether they come in the form of a top-to-bottom remodelling or a bit of decluttering here and there, can, therefore, be a great way to better your mental health in the long term. On a similar note, it could help to combat isolation and loneliness; as you are more likely to invite people into a home you feel proud of!
How to improve your home.
There are many ways in which you can go about improving your home, even if you are working with a tight budget.
Start with a good old-fashioned deep clean – paying particular attention to areas that are often forgotten during routine cleaning. You’d be surprised about the difference this makes to your home and your psyche. In fact, even the act of cleaning is said to be good for your mental health. This is because the “engagement of cognitive capacity in a repetitive activity” is said to provide people with a sense of inner calm and control.
Decluttering is also crucial during this time. This often requires you to be strict with yourself, especially if you are rather sentimental. Avoid holding onto items you no longer need or use unless it is absolutely necessary. Remember, the cleaner and more organised your home is, the better you will feel overall. This also gives you the opportunity to donate to a local charity.
There are many other ways to create a more relaxing home environment. For example, you could look into colour psychology theories to choose a colour scheme for your home that creates the kind of atmosphere you are looking for. As a general rule of thumb, pastel colours tend to be more soothing than brighter or bolder shades due to the way in which our brains subconsciously respond to them.
Why does being engaged within the local community better your mental health?
The main reason why community engagement is good for your mental health is because it instils you with a sense of belonging. This can help to combat isolation and loneliness, which are key contributors to anxiety, low mood, and other mental health struggles.
Many psychologists and anthropologists have described our desires to belong to something as innate within us. After all, for as far back as is documented, humans have formed communities. While in some instances, this was a survival tactic, there’s no denying its psychological benefits either.
Being part of a community provides you with both companionship and a support network, whether you’re sharing highs and lows with those around you. In modern settings, being actively engaged within your local community can help to improve the neighbourhood, creating a nicer living environment for all!
How to get more involved in your Neighbourhood and community.
Fortunately, there are many ways in which you can become more actively involved in your neighbourhood and community, as opposed to simply saying hello when you pass someone on the street!
Invite your neighbours over.
A recent study found that only one in four British adults are friends with their neighbours, despite the benefits this kind of companionship can bring. After all, not only is chatting with your neighbour a great way to make friends, but it could also mean you have someone to turn to in an emergency.
As such, inviting your neighbours over to your newly-improved home, is a great starting point for becoming more involved in your local community. While you’re free to host a big event, such as a garden or dinner party, don’t be afraid to start small. Some of the best conversations start with a cup of tea!
Attend community events.
Keep an eye out for any community events taking place in your neighbourhood, such as fairs, fates, bake sales, and everything in between. Not only is this a great way to meet other members of the community, but you can also support them through making purchases, which help to fund future events.
If there are no such events taking place, consider organising one yourself!
Put your expertise to good use.
No matter your profession or what stage of your life you may be in, you have something to offer others. For this reason, you could become a more active member of the community by finding ways to share this knowledge with others. For example, you could become a mentor to a younger neighbour looking to follow a similar career path or simply offer to listen to someone who is upset and needs a shoulder to cry on.
Local schools are nearly always on the lookout for volunteers, but there are plenty of options available to those looking to give back!
Fundraising is another great way to become an asset within your neighbourhood, as it means the community will have access to a wider pot of funds to dedicate to important and meaningful tasks. For example, you may fundraise so that local groups can continue to run amid budget cuts or to support local children in sporting or recreational activities.
If you are too busy to get involved in the actual fundraising events, you can still show your support by donating. Remember, even small donations make a difference.
Final Thought.
In short, those who are recently embarking on a self help journey, can find solace through their community. It helps them to see the bigger picture, or to bond with like-minded individuals. It shows them that no matter what, we always belong to something.
On a similar note, working to create a nicer home environment can also benefit those on a wellness journey, ensuring that their efforts are not undone the moment they step through the door.
There are many different factors that can impact our mental health. However, many people do not realise the profound influence our environment has on our overall well-being – both inside and outside of the home.
For this reason, it’s crucial that those looking to better their mental health start where all meaningful change begins: in the home. Take a look around you, and figure out whether or not you’re in a space that is welcoming, soothing, and relaxing. If not, now is the perfect time to complete some simple home improvements that will enrich and transform the space for the better. This way, you’ll feel more relaxed at home and markedly less anxious, stressed, and low overall. In short, it can be transformative when it comes to bettering your mental well-being, even though it may not seem that way to begin with.
However, this change does not need to stop here. Becoming more involved in your local community means that you#’ll spend a greater deal of time in a warm, supportive environment and less time alone. Fortunately, there are many ways in which you can become more engaged within your local community, whether that be through mentoring local school children, offering assistance to an elderly neighbour, or simply inviting someone in for a cup of tea. The more involved you are in your local community, the happier you will feel.
This article will explore the benefits of community engagement and home improvements, touching most noticeably on the profound impact they can have on your mental well-being.